FunClubs simplifies the process of enrolling your child in after school enrichment programs with one simple, unified platform!
Feb 24
- Mar 6
Session dates:
Mar 10 - Apr 25
No Clubs Meet:
Apr 7-11
Enrichment Programs give back to your school for every child that registers in after school classes. These funds go directly back to your school, your teachers, and your child's education!
Classes Meet
2:45-3:45 PM
Unless Marked*
Click Day to View Club Details
LEGO Product Design
K-5th ($125)
SMart Art Club!
K-5th ($139)
Taekwondo w/ Tiger-Rock
K-5th ($109)
Cheerleading Club
K-5th ($99)
Cobb Soccer Academy
K-5th ($95)
Have you ever wondered how the products that you use everyday were invented? In LEGO Product Design students will learn how to bring a product from idea to real-life prototype. Your child will come out of Product Basics training with the ability to reinvent pencil holders, design LEGO® picture frames and iPhone holders and a Product Basics Badge to prove it.
🎨 Projects Never Repeat!!! Painting, drawing, pastels, murals, and clay! All ages & skill levels love our class! Trophy for every student! Frame worthy art piece every week! All high quality fine art supplies included! Special snack provided at the beginning of class! We love to celebrate all holidays and seasons with Art! We encourage a positive self-esteem building atmosphere! Art teachers are mature, experienced, degreed, AND love kids! Animals, landscapes, beach scenes, and anything your child dreams up! Grades K through 5th.
Our certified instructors will help your child get physical exercise, learn discipline, manners, and respect for teachers, parents and other students. They will learn self-esteem through earning belt ranks and thus learn self-confidence and a “Yes, I can!” positive attitude that will carry over into school, work and sports! Tiger-Rock Martial Arts provides for a safe, positive environment for your child to grow in respect, self-discipline, and self-confidence that will translate into success in other areas and later in life!
Join Cheer Your Heart Out GA for a semester of after school cheer club! Students will focus on the fundamentals of cheerleading including cheers, dance routines, jumps, and stunts. This club is open to all grades (K-5th), girls and boys. Cheerleading T-Shirt Included!
The Cobb Soccer Academy is designed for soccer players at all levels and abilities. The academy is centered around developing players according to their stage of development and offering hands-on training. Sessions will focus on teaching technical skills such as moves, dribbling, receiving, passing, and shooting. The focus will also be on teaching the attacking and defending principles of play. Cobb Soccer Academy meets one day per week during after-school (no weekend games).
Classes Meet
2:45-3:45 PM
Unless Marked*
Click Day to View Club Details
LEGO Product Design
K-5th ($125)
SMart Art Club!
K-5th ($139)
Taekwondo w/ Tiger-Rock
K-5th ($109)
Cheerleading Club
K-5th ($99)
Cobb Soccer Academy
K-5th ($95)
Have you ever wondered how the products that you use everyday were invented? In LEGO Product Design students will learn how to bring a product from idea to real-life prototype. Your child will come out of Product Basics training with the ability to reinvent pencil holders, design LEGO® picture frames and iPhone holders and a Product Basics Badge to prove it.
🎨 Projects Never Repeat!!! Painting, drawing, pastels, murals, and clay! All ages & skill levels love our class! Trophy for every student! Frame worthy art piece every week! All high quality fine art supplies included! Special snack provided at the beginning of class! We love to celebrate all holidays and seasons with Art! We encourage a positive self-esteem building atmosphere! Art teachers are mature, experienced, degreed, AND love kids! Animals, landscapes, beach scenes, and anything your child dreams up! Grades K through 5th.
Our certified instructors will help your child get physical exercise, learn discipline, manners, and respect for teachers, parents and other students. They will learn self-esteem through earning belt ranks and thus learn self-confidence and a “Yes, I can!” positive attitude that will carry over into school, work and sports! Tiger-Rock Martial Arts provides for a safe, positive environment for your child to grow in respect, self-discipline, and self-confidence that will translate into success in other areas and later in life!
Join Cheer Your Heart Out GA for a semester of after school cheer club! Students will focus on the fundamentals of cheerleading including cheers, dance routines, jumps, and stunts. This club is open to all grades (K-5th), girls and boys. Cheerleading T-Shirt Included!
The Cobb Soccer Academy is designed for soccer players at all levels and abilities. The academy is centered around developing players according to their stage of development and offering hands-on training. Sessions will focus on teaching technical skills such as moves, dribbling, receiving, passing, and shooting. The focus will also be on teaching the attacking and defending principles of play. Cobb Soccer Academy meets one day per week during after-school (no weekend games).
The tuition for each class is set by the individual club. Program tuition can vary based on the materials provided, length of the class, or specialty of the course topic. All tuition prices listed are for the entire 10-14 week semester, depending on the number of days available on the school calendar. To see more details, discounts, and installment plan options, click SIGN UP.
Time: Most after school enrichment classes last 60 minutes long. At some schools, clubs also offer a 2nd session or longer class time depending on their lesson plans and course topic. See the Schedule tab for more details. Semester: Most classes meet once a week for 10-14 weeks, depending on the number of days available. In general, all FunClubs after school programs will follow the public school calendar. Classes will not meet on scheduled holidays, teacher work days, early release days, etc. To see the time, day, and schedule details for each class, click SIGN UP.
YES! When you enroll your child you will have the option of paying in full or choosing our convenient 4-Month Payment Plan (available for most programs). Some participating classes also offer multiple discounts, including Early-Bird, Sibling, Multi-Season, and Referral Rewards.
Please note that creating an account before registration opens is not possible, but as soon as you choose a class and place it in your cart when registration opens, those classes will be held for you until you complete the registration process.
Here are a few tips:
1) Know which classes you want to sign up for beforehand.
2) If registering more than one student, you can select all of their classes at the same time and assign who will attend each later during the registration process. If two students are doing the same class, just increase the Quantity in the cart to 2.
3) If a class says Waitlist Only, do still join the class. There is often some movement that happens after the first days of registration that helps open up spots for students on the waitlist.
Before registration closes at your school you have the opportunity to cancel your child's program by logging into your ActiveNet account. All cancellations incur a 5% fee with the remaining balance refunded to the form of payment used during registration. After registration closes, FunClubs will follow the Standard Refund Policy for each Program Provider and consider requests on a case-by-case basis. We will not issue credits or refunds due to missed classes or scheduling conflicts arising from sporting events, other enrichment classes, etc. Every effort will be made to reschedule classes that are cancelled due to inclement weather.
FunClubs: If you have any questions about the registration process, submitting payment information, after school dismissal procedures, or schedule details, please contact FunClubs at or by calling 678-408-0118.
Program Provider: If you have more specific questions about the curriculum being taught or materials required for class, we may refer you to the Program Provider.
ParentVUE GoSafe tells your child's teacher how to dismiss your student at the end of school, while the FunClubs Roster guides the dismissal process after clubs. Set GoSafe to CLUB for your child to stay after school for FunClubs.
Not sure what after-club dismissal you chose during registration? Login to your account and click 'Edit Registration Form' to double-check. Please note changing your account will not notify club instructors. You must go on to STEP 3.
After double-checking your original choice, if you need to make a One-Time or Permanent Change, please submit a request on or before 1 PM on the day of class. Enter the date the change will happen. Thanks!